
Just Words Today...

Hello everyone from deviantart, gaia, blogger, etc. I first and foremost want to say, as I have many times already this semester, I'm sorry for the great time of inactivity. Between school and a handful of RP projects I have had little time to myself. That will soon change though.

Tomorrow is my last day at my community college. I feel mixed about it. I feel a bit sad at first. I had a lot of really fun times there and met a lot of amazing people. I regret I didn't do more things and feel for a semester and a half I just crashed. Part of me feels excited though, restless, apprehensive. I am unsure what the future holds at this time, but I feel ready to move on.

Leaving college, it seems like everyone has some advice for me. I listen eagerly and take it all in. Two things keep ringing in my head as I make the long drive back home. My fill-in painting professor gave me a wonderful, thorough critique. He must have noticed my nervousness at first because he said "okay look we'll do it this way, I'm giving you an A for the semester, now here's what you need to work on with your work...". The critique was great and helpful and I was surprised and pleased by the A...but...his last words to me really hit me. "There is no question you have the raw talent and ability, it's just whether you can handle the environment and critique." Critique is an issue I had for a long time. I just months ago started feeling comfortable with it and encouraging it. I know the art world is competitive and that is what I myself have worried about. Can I do it? Can I make it? I wonder sometimes...but it is a point I need to work with and I will be very aware of in the next few months.

The second professor to give me advice was my biology professor. It's surprising that his advice out of all the advice I received seems the most jabbing but...he wrote on the blackboard at the end of our test "Words of Wisdom: Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." I need to start listening to this. It feels like I've been avoiding leaving where I currently am...I do not like my current lot in life, yet I do little to change it. I convinced myself I couldn't change it. No, it's not going to be easy but I'm ready to grow. I'm ready to move on, as I said before.

I'll upload my painting assignments within the next few days and catch up with my messages now that I don't have an overload of work. Thank you all for your support and patience. I can't ask for greater friends,



Some Sketches From My Time Of Inactivity

College...three more weeks....three more friggin weeks.

Okay with that off my chest, onto more art related stuff. Besides the small time to doodle in my notebook as my professors are talking I did manage to get some other sketches done. It seems my wireless mouse has been acting up and putting it on a sheet of white paper will let it move without being stubborn while logical things like replacing the battery will not work. So what does that mean? I get to doodle around my mouse while I waste most of my waking hours at my computer desk (at least I get points for honesty?).

Lately I feel like I've gotten into a rut. I've been mostly drawing faces or ladies with the occasional chibi (the only thing anime I ever draw anymore so unless I get a rare mood that's probably as close as you're going to see). At least I'm varying the style of my drawings a little and experimenting with that. I really hope I get back to my old work schedule this summer. The lack of time to work is driving me nuts. I really just want to draw.

Okay, enough whining and to the sketches. Lots of them are Wow or Gaia related (I'm a nerd I know):
Zarin, my druid

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Sendara, my death knight, Norine, my warlock, Asminara, my dark ranger/hunter.
The expression on chibi Zarcina's face really shows her character (if only I drew her precious blades). Random chibi face and up in the corner my current Gaia avatar with all her curls and robotic bunny ears.
Nex, I love you so much I had to draw you again as a chibi.
I noticed when another person who's blog I follow posted a self portrait I never draw myself. Not only do I not do it but I avoid it. So I decided to scribble down a quick little self portrait sketch. Probably not going to make a habit out of it or do it again for a while. Next time I need to "draw me" I'll stick to my narrative character. It's close enough. In other news dang my hair's gotten long.

That's all for now, I think I'm going to go relax and enjoy the thunderstorm. Goodnight everyone. See you next update,


Note to Self

...stop drawing on line paper in your class notebooks, it gets you nowhere.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates, things have been hectic recently. I just want this semester to be over with already.


Day I

Well, the blog's been off to a bit of a bumpy start. I didn't expect the self doubt and negative voices in my head to show up so soon but I'm pushing past it mostly. I have been trying to get in the habit of drawing something daily. I've also been trying to better manage my time (though that's not working so well...). Not much else to say. I don't want to be any more negative then I have been right now so I'm just going to leave you with my updates for today and go. I'll also be passing around this link publicly now in hopes of getting some comments and critique on my work.

First, here is a page of sketches done March 31st and April 1st. 
And here are two of my WIP's, one in drawing/sketching mode and the other in coloring mode:

 And right about now it's probably showing I'm quite new to this blog. Hope the coding is somewhat right...All characters and artwork © me.


The Beginning

Arguably the hardest place to be right now is at the beginning of this. I don't know much of what to say or where to begin. This is supposed to be the start of my sketchblog.

I suppose I should tell everyone a little about myself to start off. I go by Amaya or Aeternus, whichever you prefer. I'm currently an art student. I've always dreamed of being a comic book artist one day. I like books, music, movies, and videogames. Besides drawing I write and sing a little bit. I tend to be a bit strange and like learning and sharing information about completely random things. I make no effort to hide that I have a lot of problems. I have spent the past two years slowly recovering from PTSD. Well, that's a small bit and I probably forgot quite a few things but I feel a bit uncomfortable talking about myself so I suppose you guys will learn more as this goes along.

I don't really have anything else for today except for this short hello so I'll leave you with that.